Let's find somewhere

Activities & group search

Simply click on the area where you live to find activities near you, or choose from the dropdown list below. If you prefer, you can view activities all across Bolton.

Alternatively use the online assessment below if you have been thinking about becoming more active, but don't know where to start, or you're a professional or friend/family/carer and want to help someone you know take the first steps.

Have you been thinking about becoming more active, but don't know where to start?

Follow this online assessment to help find activities and that will hopefully help get you up and active in a way that is more suited to you.

Are you helping yourself?

Select this option if you are looking for activities that are suitable for you.

Let's go   >

Are you helping someone else?

Select this option if you are a health trainer, GP, practice nurse looking at getting a patient more active, or just helping someone you know to take the first steps.

Let's go   >


The activities, websites and services on this site are designed for signposting you to providers in Bolton. The Let's Keep Bolton Moving platform and Bolton Vision's involvement in hosting an activity/group, as well as suggested websites and services offered on this website does not constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by Let's Keep Bolton Moving and Bolton Vision.

The information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. Contact the activity provider before you attend any activities to ensure that the activity details are correct. It is your responsibility to make sure you feel comfortable and safe at the venues, and with the activities you take part in.