Let's get active
Have you been thinking about becoming more active, but don't know where to start?

Follow this online assessment to help find activities and that will hopefully help get you up and active in a way that is more suited to you.

Activity Assessment Questionnaire

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How would you rate your fitness level?

This is to find activities that will be at a suitable level for you by selecting what you think your current overall fitness is.

You have chosen Poor as your fitness level

Don't worry physical activity is achievable regardless of your level of fitness. There are lots of low level activities to help you get started.

You have chosen OK as your fitness level

You may already be active but do you think you are doing enough? Finding new activities may help you stay motivated!

You have chosen Good as your fitness level

That's great lets see what more you can be doing to keep it this way!

Activities available

What level of physical activity do you think you could achieve?

For example, if you are just starting out, you might want to begin with gentle exercise.

You have chosen Any level of physical activity

This will give you the most options of suitable activities covering varying degrees of intensity.

You have chosen Gentle as your level of physical activity

Good to start with if you haven't been active for a while or are not sure where to start. Remember always to go at your own pace.

You have chosen Moderate as your level of physical activity

This is the recommended level to work at for health benefits, it means your heart rate is slightly raised, you feel slightly warmer but are able to hold a conversation.

You have chosen Intense as your level of physical activity

If you are looking for a bit more of a challenge, breathing faster and working harder to gain benefits quicker. Remember to always go at your own pace.

Activities available

How important is it for you to be more active than you are now?

This is to identify how important becoming more active is to you at the moment. There are many benefits to becoming more active but identifying ones that are personal to you will help you to make positive changes to your activity levels.

You have chosen Not Very Important

Being active may not be that important to you at the moment. Have a think about the possible benefits of increasing your activity levels. Move onto the next question if you wish to explore these or revisit us again soon!

You have chosen Quite Important

How important something is to you can be your motivation for change. Identifying these reasons will help you to see how important making these changes are.

You have chosen Very Important

This will really help with your motivation as being more active is very important to you.

Activities available

Why is it important to be more active?

These are the reasons why you want to be more active so keep these handy particularly on days when motivation is difficult.

Activities available

What areas can you travel to?

The more areas you tick, the more activity options you will have. Maybe consider taking a friend to share the travel costs? Or walking part of the way?

Select all areas / Remove all areas

Activities available

How is your mental health?

For example, how have you been feeling about yourself lately, have you been overly worried about anything and feel you can't cope or is there something troubling you unnecessarily. Or have you been feeling fine with no real concerns?

You have chosen Not Very Good

Don't worry, there's always something that can be done to help. We'll include links in your report at the end of this questionnaire to services that can offer help and advice.

The Community Mental Health Teams in Bolton may be able to support you.

You have chosen Good

That's great. Keeping positive and on top of things will help you keep feeling good about yourself.

You have chosen Really Good

Brilliant! You're doing all the right things to help you keep feeling really good about yourself, keep it up.

Activities available

Cost - would you prefer...

Most of our activities are free or at low cost...

You have chosen Free Activities Only

Think about how you can include everyday free activities into your lifestyle these might be gardening, housework and walking.

You have chosen Low Cost Activites only

Most of our activities remain at a low cost.

You have chosen Don't Mind

Great, this will give you the biggest range of suitable activities.

Activities available